We think

30+ years in the logistics services market

We implement our plans


JV TRANSIT LLC is one of the leading transport and logistics centers in Belarus, which has been providing services in the field of logistics for 30 years.

We are a 3-PL logistics operator and a customs carrier. Our team is made up of professionals in the field of cargo transportation and warehouse services, who will offer a range of logistics solutions for optimal delivery of your goods. 

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Convenient location on the border with the EU, near the Kozlovichi checkpoint

An experienced logistics team that will help you find the best solution for your business

Own storage facilities and terminal

Flexible approach to the client's tasks


years of experience

14 000+

tons of cargo shipped in covered wagons

3 500+

road haulages per year

50 000+

reloaded trucks per year

163 000

m² total area of the enterprise facilities


own fleet trucks

80 000

m² of the temporary storage warehouse area

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